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Santa Shoebox 2018

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.  – Winston Churchill

Ours is a community project and not a charity and every year the staff, parents and children participate in a project in which we address someone else’s need.  The beneficiaries of this project are not part of the community so that we can all become aware of other needs than our own and all of us can learn that is it always possible to give, even if we do not have that many earthly possessions ourselves.

The 2018 project was to pack 40 Santa Shoeboxes for children who have less than we do.  Our school is often offered the chance to receive Santa Shoeboxes, but our parents take pride in preparing their own Christmas presents for their children, even if it sometimes requires serious planning to make ends meet.  Packing boxes for other kids was a new concept, but it was embraced with enthusiasm.  The whole community worked together to have the boxes ready in October when they had to be delivered to the collection point in Wellington.  The children became very excited as the boxes were finished and the day the boxes left was a joyful one – as the pictures clearly show.